Monday 27 February 2012


today's my last day at skul . aahhh byk giler na kene hadaap . rase mcm dha ta blh na tahan when looking my clzmates . drama hindustan mmg thp giga lha tdi kan ? hahaha .(aq tanak cer pe yg trjadik, t ta pasal2 mate aq masok habok lagi !) mate dah mcm panda ape . guys , thnx alottt . aq ta penah jmpe clzmates yg mcm nie sumur idop aq . tacink gilerr . smpaii umi a.k.a ckgu maznah korang pon jadi mangse jugak . okeh , qilah kate aq kejam bwat korang mcm nie . i'm sorry . aq . ntah . byk kn memories kite ? 3years wehh . dh mcm siblingss , swear ta leh blaa . perangai snsorngg tu aq blh je na ckp . weehee =) kalo che sue , comfom keje gelak je kn ? chesue , thnx sbb guide aq byk hal . no more words that can i say . *speechless* mektangg kalo skli pndang laki hensem , komfom tros jatoh kan ? hahahahahaha . engom . atiq be strong okeh ? ingt pesan ana . korang , jage atiq lelok . atiq kn owez je ta sehat . kalo dmm , mkn obat tros . #cehhh aq caring woo# and to my all clzmates , aq sayng korang! korang trhebat trbaek ! kalo aq na cer snsorng nie mmg sumur idopp ta habes . for guys , nti tlg cheer up kan 4alfa okeh ngn lawak korng yg sengal , expecially paih and baim .to my dear n lovely hayati , even u're in beta . i'm blieve oneday u'll be in ALFA ! ingt ape yg aq psn tdi =) jgn leleh cm tdii eh ngekngok ? taa malu org tgok . ekeke . let'ss checkitouttt ~

just click tuk clear okehh ! ^^

after balik skola tu , tros je bace love letter atiq and yati . Allaahh tacink tu tuhan je yg taw . ngn rambot mengalahkan rapunzel , on mp3 then trjon kt katil , mate time tu mmg bengkak habes . #skg aq dah kalah ngn tears # tpi . tears tu untuk sahabat2 aq . aq iklas ,. cehh . #erm  aq taw aq lemah# i'll bringg ur love letters there ! big thnx korang ! again big thnx ! =] papepon . jgn lpe aq taw ? kite fight in SPM 2013 ! 

#aq ta penah anggap pon mende nie sume kn trjadik . berat giler ujian nie . tapiii . i've too . guys , kite cool lepak sntaii kan ? ta cun kalo wt drama hindustan kan ? ha.ha. okeh enough , tanak stat balik . jom! we're smile . i lived , i learned , i smile . 

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