Monday 6 February 2012

let me .

life ? haha dha malas na ckp . na luah . tapi kt sape lagi na gtaw ? yeah ana tawu , Allah swt . org kate aq hipokrit ? yaAllah , takot giler dgr that word . sumpah . mcm pe je , tapi tape , aq pndai cover muke . cehh ha.ha . jgn lha ckp 'word' tu . besar di sisi Allah . neraka tmpatnye . ana takot . TT__TT it's actually , i am who i am lha . bwat pe na jadik org laen? yea , hamba Allah said 'ana, ur bhviour so rough lha ' so ? oke enough . enough lha . penat lha . kacaw  ~ yeah one more , second intake tu ko jebek je kan mulot tdi ? i know myself , ta sehebat korang .  btw, i'm tired . H.I.P.O.K.R.I.T . takot lha TT________TT ana takot . ALLAH , smpai bile sume nie na berakhir ? sumpah pennattt . ta tahan la na cover muke . cover malu . aq ta mcm gurls yg laen , ta sehebat farah n clzmates laen , ta selembot anis , ta cun cm yasmin n yg laen , tak tak! aq laen . tapi . aq pon pompuan jgk . grrrrr sume org takkan phm . kaklongggggg TT_____TT ana penatt . Allah , why Allah pilih ana na go through sume nie? till when ? kalo esop ana bngon pagi , blh ta Allah change je ana jadik besaa je tros ? tak pon , nnti kalo ana bngon pagi , Allah letak ana kt syurga tros ? boleh tak?  astaghfirullah . ampon yaAllah ampon yaAllah . aq tanak jdi hipokrit . hati tu Allah yg pegang . org ta blh na nilai suke suke hati je . oke enough la , asal dy bahagia , insyaAllah aq tumpang skli . even kebahagian dy tu menghancorkan hati aq . Allaaahhumassolia'laa muhammaddd TT__TT waalimuhammad, guide me YaAllah to be strong like RASULULLAH . let's stat a new life wif a new smile . insyaAllah i can . heyy new one ANA . papai the old one ana . make , dgn ini mengumumkan . jengg jengg jenggg !   


page one : a new one ANA being an upper form gurl . she had go through all the pain alone almost two years , now . she have been a new one . her ownself . she love starss . the stars can make her peace =] and she learn to be a mature gurl . do grow up wif her in her new life . insyaAllah .  
assalamualaikum =]

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