Wednesday 14 March 2012

storyy moryy !

assalamualaikum and mownim mownim !! ^^ hahaha it's been sucho long tyme i didnt updte my blog ! fuhhh rindu rindu ! puiii rindu sape ? tahh , adela . wekkk . oke dah . now , i just wanna share and tell d world bout my new story , new smile and new life there ! hehe there ? where's there ?  jenggg jengg jenggggg ! 

gotcha ! that's my new boarding school ~ SAHUT je pon , not TKC , SSP or STF . angan angan aq wanna be a mjscians ta trcapaiiii doe . but being a SBPians pon dh alhamdulillah =] . cehhhh . #oke now dh ta majok ey ana ? err mnenye aq majok!#  btw , my journey there took bout 3-4 hours . not so tired like farah , anis , payed , ajim and juwe laa . hahaha *gile kejam* . SAHUT is a new one of boardin' skul and my batch will be the 2nd candidates of SPM .winkwink =>

orintasi =) gempak  

we took 5days for orintasi . penatt ta trkate laa , btw mmg gempak best ! alhmdulillah . dak2 nie mmg r , gile sportim kecoh , expecially dak laki . hahaha . aq mmg gelakk ta igt dunie *tapi leh cover from dlu hehe* ingt je balikk dak2 laki kne buli ngn juniors sndrik when orintasi , adeke patott suh wt chicken dance . tapi tu laa , lambat gle nak smpai , org tunggu pnye r brjanggot . each event ke hape , comfom si danial ade ngn aq . tataw laa nape , mamat tu mmg caringg woo . that day aq trrrkantoii leleh , gle ! aq ingt dy dh kuar rehat . skli pndang depangg , dh de kt depan mate . fuhhhh mmg r , kalo aq nak kate mate masok habok pon , mmg dh terlambat . and terrpakse dgn hati yg x rela , cer kt dy why aq ttbe jdi sengal nk leleh . hewhew he's like my bro ! alhmdulillah de jgk org caringg . kan ? hahaha . dh la my former clzmate . now ? jadi clzmate aq! syahmae , denei and pokyed mmg ! sje knekan aq infront two class . 4USIM and 4UMP . smpaii aq kne pnggil kt ckgu suh syairr . yaAlllahhhhh deorng mmg ! okeh , two class gelakkn aq , x aci betol >.< and kalo nak cer one by one mmg x habes . ekeke 

ekceli , aftr 5days tu , i'm d one who got d culture shock . err why ? cuz of their sstem pmbelajan bpk totally dfferent from harian bese . it's ekceli depends on someone to control him/her life . kalo pndaii cover , insyaAllah evytng's gonna be kay =] seniors byk je yg guide aq . ecehh . my prinsip is sekali aq melangkah , insyaAllah selamanya akn ku melangkah till i get wut i really wanna in this world . but sume tu ta mudah kalo ta kuat kan? haha . iman tu mmg la , owez je turon naek . tapi tu laa . kne pndaii . and alhmdulillah , aq tade la lemah smpai nk burn out claz or skul , adeje kawan aq yg blahh tros aftr daftar tu . gle laa , ta pk future ke ? and now currently biasekn diri wif all this new surroundings and situation =] . and owez tell myself that #yeahh evytng gonna be okeh soon#  hahaha . 

mylife here's not like before and alott of things change slowly slowly and slowly to be a better prson one day =] insyaAllah . and i'm not like the others laa yg parenz deorng owez je dtg every two weeks . adehh ta kesah pon . hahaha . btw , stdy here mmg best sbb stdy ngn kwn kwn yg cool and brilliants  #deorng laa# . org kate ckgu ckgi sbp x ngaja , nope , all the tchrs there mengaja je . hoho . tapi xleh beat ngn ckgu ckgi wb la kot . and if i'm still in smkwb , stdy ngn deorng pon mmg best jugak =] kwn2 aq budak2 pndaii (4alfa) hahahaha . 

my post dh pnjangg gle ~ hahaha next tyme lak cer . 
cio and peace yok ! ^^ assalamualaikum =)

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