Sunday 19 February 2012


what's mean of attitude actually ? yeaa it's show of ourselves aite? first impression when my new fwens saw me , for sure they will say 'eh tu budak baek , looks at her hijab, laboh ' ha.ha.ha . and a few of them told me the truth . what so funny i guess . dun judge a book by it's cover kay ? i was laughin' at all that day . no i'm not . i'm not like what you said . tapi bukan na kate yg aq nie jenis 'rosak aklak' . tak tak . nauzubillah . i dono what i wanna say . i'm just speechless . still thinking , actually what i wanna in this world ? i dono , sometimes , 'pasir akn leleh' jugak . sbb hidop kt dunia nie , a lott of sins yg aq bwat . aq ntah la , it's dfficult to say . but i'll try to be a good muslimah . cehhh ,

menutup aurat ? byk je cara yg bleh bwat . ta smstinye ngn pakai jubah tudong laboh segale bagai kan? but feel weirdo wif some people yg na kate pemikiran deorg nie kureng , tak jugak . tapi depends on masing2 la kan? hati Allah pegang , no one can ckp mcm2 . ta baek . i mean , it's depends on someone la na tutop aurat tu ngn care mcm mne sklipon . org keliling ta berhak na halang . but just one thing . asalkn menutop aurat . bukan membalut aurat . hee =] *brpesan kt diri aq jugak *  

bile masok je alam remaje nie , cabaran tu xley blaa . but i'm now try to impr0ve myself ke arah yg better from dulu . try na jadi budak baek . *eh slme nie jahat ke? * hahaha . sbb dulu byk je dose . na kate insaf , ntah la . tapi kalo na bwat kebaikan , ta leh na show off ~ riakk woo .

'something' is haunting me till now . idono what should i do . smetimes i'm just stared at my window during nite . looking up the stars . find my life . and keep asking , who are you farhana sukri? why u lived in this world ? bergune ke ? sighhh guide me yaAllah . sujud mengadap Allah is the best way . ask for His guideness . jika jatoh untai mutiara kerana Allah , alangkah untong . KALULAH aq mmpu semua tu ='(

kata-kata cinta terukap indah 
mengalir berzikir dikidung doaku
sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
butir butir cinta airmata ku
teringat semua yang KAU beri utkku 
ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini 
ya ILAHI <3  

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