Sunday 23 December 2012



yeah again I'm writing .  
 [erm i'm just a normal person who like to spill smtg on the paper or antyg else, but the sweetest will I spill is, to HIM:) ] ANA, again ko merapu la. haha . 

oyeah! pengorbanan? ermm . 
ekceli, byk je nk share . pengorbanan tu boleh je didefinisikan dgn pelbagai makna . pelbagai corak dan bentuk . juge pelbagai keadaan dan pengalaman:) 

tapi pengorbanan kali ni , tersangatlaaaa .. err yeah, trsangatla pahit , tapi manis. Allahu:) (eh adeke?)

bagi aq , yes. ade je! contohnye dan pengalamannye.. haha . (perlu ke mention pengalaman?) kadang2 pengorbanan dalam setiap persahabatan . Allahu. hati ini hancur tanpe disedari , cuba untuk tersenyum demi kekuatan hati dan fizikal di hadapan ramai . demi  kebaikan , demi persahabatan yg terjalin , demi kaseh-syg , demi menjaga hati dan perasaan . even terpakse berhadapan dgn pelbagai ujian hidup yg mmg xleyh blaa demi mereka. (cm pelik je ayat aq, bebelit) kadang2 masa yg tidak berkesempatan nie dikorbankan untuk mereka yg bergelar insan tersayang . yakni kawan-kawan:) haha . seriously, aq tak pandai nak bina ayat and cikgu BM mmg wajib tak sunat la akan panggil aq dtg hadapan kt kelas. kasik tunjok ajo sgale bagai . hahaha . oke enough merapu. seriously, aq berusaha untuk menjadi seorang kawan atau sahabat yg terbaek untuk mereka. tapi perlu ke setiap masa aq harus berkorban? err aq tak maksodkn apapepon, tapi .. sometimes I will feel that I'm too much follow stiap ape yg aq mmg x leh nak masuk . tapi Alhamdulillah , aq bahagia kerana pengorbanan yg terselit di hati nie sedikit sebanyak mampu membuatkan mereka trsenyom gelak ketawe riang mengalahkn kanak-kanak ribena. Alhamdulillah . Dan aq berusah untuk melatih hati ni agar merelakan setiap pengorbanan dan bknnye dalam keadaan terpakse. haa , msti dapat pahala kan? mende tu je yg aq owez fikir , hati aq owez je memujuk .. ANA, u do this , u will get something from Him:) njoy it , njoy it! oyeah! in syaa Allah:) 

sentiasa bersangka baek kerana itu adalah selemah-lemah iman dalam bersahabat :> 

pengorbanan kerana ALLAH:) 

okeh, ini dh masok tajookk yg mndalam bagi aq . pengorbanan yg Allah je tawu pahittnye tapi akanku merasai nikmat kemanisan oneday. in syaa Allah. kalo dulu, bertepuk tampar , cubit, maen sepak2, yang laki tarik tudung belakang dak pompuan la, dak pompuan amek buku log baling belakang dak laki la, gelak ketawa bersama, bowling sesame, lepak sesame, panjat paga sesame, maen makan minum suap ssme, panjat pokok sesame time hujan, dan segale bagai sesame tu maen aci redah x ingat dunia je . er dan buat aci redah HUKUM ALLAH je . maksod mndalamnye. menjaga ikhtilat la kan? ikhtilat tu pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan :) ini semuaaaaa mmg memerlukan pengorbanan! ya Allah, bile dh beso, bile dh taw hukum Allah , bile dh belajo tentang dosa-phala. dan bile dah menghayati tu sume, barula betul2 sedar, betol2 tawu yg slme nie salah . kdg2 , taw je mmg salah tapi biasela manusia kan, mne nak perfect, maen tibai je . tapi.. masing2 pon dah boleh faham mende tu sume. termasukla aq. 

no more 'tapi',  sekarang belajar untuk mnjaga ikhtilat :) dan memerlukan kekuatan yg tersangatla kuat mcm besi untuk memperbaiki ke arah yg lebeyh baek :) in syaa Allah . kawan2 laki pon alhamdulillah mungkin memahami diriku ini . mmg sakit bile persahabatan yg kamceng tahap x ingat dulu dah betukaa . sometimes bile jmpe balik , mcm awkward . dyeorg pndang aq, aq pndang dyeorg . no more, 'yokkk ana!, weeeiii budakk ! , hangout jom weh? , bowling weekends nie wei?'' haha mmg dah tersangatla payah nk dengar dyeorg ckp tu sume. kdg2 rindu tu ade , tapi , dulu dan sekarang dah laen woo. laen sangatlaa. jumpe aq pon kasik salam n senyum hormat pelik je. ya Allah, tapi aq brlagak je senyom happy. Alhamdulillah dyeorg mybe memahami. tapi kdg2 aq sakit sbb mungkin yea, mcm aq kate, dulu laen. skrg laen . sekarang ni, ke arah yang lebeyh baek kn? haha (even taw diri nie masih berusaha

pic kt atas nie comel laa . haha aq suke ngat :) seriously, pic kt atas bagi aq de byk maksod yg tersirat . maksod tersirat tu aq tanak explain pnjang :) memang la, kalo hangout skg pon , susah sangat dah nak hangout macam dlu . err . haha . dyeorg kt atas tu semuanye muslimah kan? mesti baek pnye laa . wahh untongnye hehe . banyak kali aq terserempak dgn mereka yg persis di atas:) wah sweeet ngat! ^^ erm yeah Alhamdulillah kawan2 pompuan aq yg laen pon ade je yg dh start pakai mcm tu . hihi sweet la korang . hope istiqamah keyh:) haha pengorbanan betolla nak capai keredhaan Ilahi :) dan harus memperjuangkan ! perjuangkan ! perjuangkan ! 

''sebaik-baik perhiasan di dunia adalah wanita yang solehah'' - (aq nie mcm mne?) - 

sumpah aq x boleh nak jawab persoalan aq sndrik tu . sungguhlaa .
hihi apapepon , bagi aq . HATI tu pentim :) sungguh dan sungguh , Allah melihat HATI . Hati yang benar2 ikhlas akan mendapat keredhaanNya yg hakiki :) jadik diri sendri , tetapi diri sendiri ke arah yang lebeyh baek :) in syaa Allah . 


Saturday 8 December 2012

ukhwah berpaksikan Iman itu indah:)


bismillahirrahmanirahim .. dgn nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang:)
korang, korang sehat? haha yeah aq taw, msti sehat kan? Alhamdulillah anugerah Allah taala, kalo yg x sehat sgt uh, ujian drpNya. hope bersaboo ya? ohkey! now straigh to the point .. 

Setelah dua tahun berlalu peristiwa tu, hahaa alhamdulillah sekarang aq mmpu yah berdiri di atas kaki sndrik , (ek.? slme nie ko brdiri ats kaki sape?) muahaha sengal je . Dua tahun mencari identiti sebenar . heh. hape aq nie alien yg mmg tader kepale ijau ke slme nie? bukan tu la. 'identiti sebnar' means, ''who is my ownself and why i'm living in this world? for what?'' ekceli, aq masih lagi mencube carik kekuatan for my ownself to face all the challenging in this beauty yoo world! ^^ ( ana kan nie ecece ) hape maksod aq tuh? nak taw ey? asenye .. dah lame aq pendam . aq dh tak mampu nak tahan . aq .. ha.ha it's hard to say weh . eheeh. okeh make it easy lha kan? cube fikir kalo suh make perbandingan la antre IKIM n HITZ fm.? cube compare lha atre serban n rambut cacak-cacak? cube compare lh antre KOREA n NASYID? cube compare lh antare MANGGA n SOLUSI? cube compare lh antre TUDUNG SINGKAT n TUDUNG YG MENUTUP ? cube compare lh LEPAK n SUJUD ? and nak tekankan lagi, cube cmpare lha antre PERSAHABATAN HUHAHUHA n PERSABATAN BERPAKSIKAN IMAN?! 

(jgn salah anggap, aq just kate for my ownself selame nie hingga sekarang, masyaAllah) :)

sesungguhnya, kakiku ini denai-denai melangkah ke dewan ilmu , dewan ilmu yang penontonya 99% stdnts yg berjubah+tdg labuh. ade je yg pakai purdah. stdnts laki yg berkopiah sgale bagai . kaki ini melangkah dgn penuh nervous, bulu roma naek mmg x igt dunia, slowly n slowly melangkah ke dewan. diri ini sangat tahu ade insan2 yg memandang aneh ke arahku. *hahah gle skema ayat.* tapi .. I dont even care bout that . that's me! this's me ! mungkin care aq berpakaian. I'm just wearing baju kurung coklat+ tudung bidang kuning cair yg mncecah bwah bahu+kasut + bag kt belakang.( MasyaAllah naseb jugak x pakai shawl sgale bagai yg rock) I'm trying the new one . Alhmdulillah masih istiqamah ngn sarung lengan+sarung kaki:) tu pon org keliling tgok pelik dh kt aq haha. kalo aq pkai yg mcm sblom nie? mybe pengsan lha deorg tu ekeke . tapi.. akak2 kt sane sumpah baek2. senyum je kt aq . suasana kt dlm dewan SAYUUUU T___T aq pergi kt sane sbb 2org kawan yg aq kenal since 2years ago. kawan yg slme nie tak penah pon jmpe scare fizikal. Allahuakbar . Kawan yg sgt memahami. Kwn yg mmbimbing ke arah ini . Rahmatilah meraka ya Allah. kawan2 yg dekat ngn aq, no one pon yg tawu . kecuali masliza:) (tpi mekja ttaw pon aq pegi kt majlis pe sblom nie) niat aq satu, nak try pengalaman nie smbil nak jmpe sahabat yg selame nie sering kali mengejut aq utk bertahajud, sering kali text aq tuk bace quran , text aq suh stdy and evytng.  she's A.S:) 

alin : ''ANA, alin dh smpai, ana kt mane tu?''
AQ : '' alhamdulillah ana pon dh smpai, ana kt dlm dewan, alin kt lua ke?''
alin : ''a'ah alin tgh daftar''
AQ : '' alin, ana nervous nak jmpe alin nie hehe, ana pakai tdg kuning''
alin : ''hehe ana. alin pon sme. alin pkai biru muda''
AQ : ''oke ana tunggu kt dlm''

tataw la knpe, rase nervous gle nak jmpe ngn A.S . rase mcm jantong dh tercabot je. rase mcm nak blah . mcm2 yg aq ase . yg pasti aq takot . Allahuakbar diri nie tak mmpu nak pusing kt belakang bile text smpai, ''alin dh masuk dewan:) '' bile pusing , masyaAllah seorang gadis bertudung labuh biru muda + jubah biru gelap memandang ke arahku .. aq . aq speechless thp x igt . and then scare reflect je tgn nie bersalaman dgn A.S . (senyom lebaaa+debaran) . kemudian before aq duduk, A.S tarik aq then dy kiss pipi kiri kanan aq. ya Allah aq rase mcm nak tercabut je leher. tataw la knpe , aq tataw!! tpi yg jelas, aq rase aman. ntah la, mungkin kerane ukhwah kami selame nie, first time lak baru jmpe . mgkin la kot . kan? haha. mmg time tu aq cover muke aq, pusing ke arah laen, masyaAllah keluar jugak pasirrr kt mate nie! arghh! parah! the rock girl menangisss thp x ingt , aq cube cover se-cover-nye! tpi ase gle terkejot time A.S pegang bahu aq. aq pusing kt dy. she's smiled and say 'it's oke Ana.''. dy pegang aq lagi.  i dont know what to say anymore. hanya Allah je yg tawu pe yg aq ase time tu . rase bahagia+sedeyh+sengal=sume mix! (ceytt, malu sgt terkantoi ngn AS) ALHAMDULILLAH kiteorg dgr ceramah tu almost 3hours. aq xtaw gk why aq x gelak kuat2 cm biase bile deorg wt lawak. aq pon pelik ngn diri aq . haha. Alhamdulillah leh cover dah ekeke. 


ya Allah ase brsyukur ngat dpt kenal dengan insan2 yg baek . yg sangat2 lah baek ! slme nie pon aq dah ade ramai insan yg bergelar kwn2 yg trdekat yg sgt baek:) aq syg deorg . Aq nak tahu sgt pe maksod 'UKHWAHFILLAH' yang sebenar dan bukan hanya sekadar cakap je . huhu . Alhamdulillah mungkin aq dah tawu ape maksod sebenar perkataan tuh :) aq syg AS fillah:) tangan nie dh mula banyak searching tntang ilmiah :) aplikasikan bersame kawan2 . aq nak share yg manis2 dgn kawan2 aq yg laen terutamanya dgn masliza , yati . sebagaimana AS share ngn aq:) aq nak sgt hubungan berpaksikan iman diaplikasikan dgn deorang . dgn sahabat2ku yg terdekat:) give me time . give us time . in syaa Allah, oneday, korang akn tawu pe maksod sbnar UKHWAH FILLAH dan bkn hanye ckp je kt mulot:)  

''sesungguhnya orang orang MUKMIN itu BERSAUDARA:)''

then bile dh habes ceramah , ase cm sebak ngt sbb dh kne berpisah ngn AS. ya Allah sungguh, nikmatnye bersahabat jika berpaksikan IMAN :) nikmat ya Allah . sangat2. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah:) aq berdoa agar Engkau tautkan hati-hati kami . hati-hati sahabat2ku keranaMU ya Allah:) 

AS kasik present kt aq! whoaa seronok! haha cm bdk2 je aq. tapi seyez, nervous bile bukak kotak teddy bear yg comel, subhanallah . she gave me .. something yg x penah aq sngke! guess what?! .. dua pasang tudung , bukan calang2 tudung. tapi , sehelai tudung putih bidang65 and sehelai tudung labuh biru langit ilahi. speechless. rase mcm dh tak tahan n tak snggup . sebak pilu sayuuu . Aq tawu ape maksod dy yg sbnarnye .  kan aq dh kate, aq msh mncari 'identiti sebenar'' . heh . time tu jgk la aq text dy. how grateful am I . thanx Allah. thnx Allah! bile masenye tiba .. hadiah tu akanku sarungkan di kepala aq:) mohon kekuatan. mohon kekuatan . mohon kekuatan! 

sungguh, aq mencintaimu kerana Allah, sahabat-sahabatku :) 
terima kaseh di atas segala2nye. ini bukan jiwang . tapi luahan hati woo . exp to LUQMAN ZABA yg byk guide aq almost 2yrs. AS yg byk kasik tunjuk ajar, MASLIZA yg byk menolong n ade disamping aq:) YATI yg owez busy hehe . and to all my WKFBHARUians, SAHUTians, FALAHIAHians:) 

''it's not a crime to be a better and more better than yesterday''



Monday 12 November 2012

I'm a head girl ?



yeah happy holidays guys . cuti akhir tahun dah bermulaaaa ! wuwuu suke lha adek2 kt umah uh , but kiteorang ? haha full of assighments seyh . oyess! *suke sgt ey ana?* heh . dah nk wt acane ag , well life of students mmg cnggini ey ? pfftt ~ redha redha ^^ swear, assigments belambakk tahap x ingat kot . f5 pnye novel pon x habes bace lagi , then kne bwat folio segala bagai . alahaii .. tak masok lagi ngn assighments 9subjeks killer uh! pheeeeww . *mate kt atas, tangan kt kpalew* tuisyen yg mmg full , everyday lagi! maak! *aiseyh , lupe ey nx year ko kne hadap pe ana ?* waaaaaaaaaaaarghh SPM ! SPM ! SPM! -nie dah masok aura nenek kebayan yang mmg lupe nak bwk penyapu terbang tuk terbang tinggi - ek? pekes ttbe kait ngn nek kbyan? putus fius sgt lha aq nie . tpi betolla , kalo nek kebayan tu tade pnyapu trbang dy , acane nk trbang ? same lha ngn kite , kalo tade buku time cuti , acane nk hadap idop ? kan? haaaa jawab . hahaha . tapi yang jelas , i will try my hard best to score the best result insyaAllah ! exam ritu aq jatoh , down gle ! siott pnye diri aq sbb maen2 je , kan dah nyesal .. buuuuu pdn muke aq ! alhamdulillah hape Allah dah kasi pengajaran for my onwself , heee *sengeh nmpak gigi kes malu*  erm exam midyear alhmdulillah i'm the highest for Physics . but final exmination? errk kan dh jatoh , subjek laen pon tader la tinggi langit aq score . but alhamdulillah . oke! enough bout the past! yes and yes! LIFE MUST GO ON!  

maybe itu semua zaman kejatuhanku!  takkanku biarkan ia berulangg kembali ! takkan kubiarkan batalku basah lagiiii ! err , takkan kubiarkan diri ini JATOH KEMBALI ! takkanku berjalan sambil tertunduk ke lantai lagi ! akanku jadikan hari seterusnya sebagai zaman kegemilangku seperti zaman kegemilangan sultan Mansor Shah ! *ek pekehal ttbe kaitkn sultan ? zaman skg dh xpkai dah . aisehh!* insyaAllah for my own future , I will try my best biiznillah ! firstly, Alhamdulillah to Him cuz still love me and still give me a thousand chance :) a big thanks to Allah and big thanks to my parents , siblings and friends cuz always support me ! :>

I'm being a house head girl next year ? Allah ..
sumpah x sngke mende tu akan terjadi . aq tanak pon . tapi ats sistem demokrasi deorang , sighh dah memang confirm atas kertas tertulis nama aq tanpa aq taw . kejam pnye member .  then, aq di-interview- oleh  cikgu2 disiplin . aisehh , the next assembly , name MPP laen dan aq diumumkan secara rasmi as a house head girl of tok belian 2013 . sumpah that time aq tak mampu nak senyum or nak gelak . *speechless thp x ingt* . terkedek2 naek pentas bwat muke manis je even lam hati tu ,. Allah .. tuhan je taw . agak lawak jgk time deorang pujuk aq aq suh accept jawatan tu . aq bkn hape , tapi aq takot nak pegang jawatan besar and melibatkan tanggungjawab yg agak besar kt skolah . btw next year pon kne fight ngn SPM lagi . tapi bile aq mintak petunjuk from Allah taala . alhamdulillah Allah kasi petunjuk suh accept . umi abah and siblings pon support aq . tapi tekanan tu mmg xleyh blaa time hadap mnde tu . a day by a day , alhamdulillah aq IKHLAS  to accept jawatan tu , ataw lebeyh dikenali sbg PKR , erm the second jawatan after KP and PKP . insyaAllah , i'll try my best to jalankan tanggungjawab sbg seorang pemimpin dan jugak sbg seorang calon SPM 2013 :) actually , insyaAllah all these will make me to be more mature to face everythings in road of life :) May He Bless me . and jauhkan aq daripada riak nauzubilllah .

daripada KEGAGALAN la kite akan sedar untuk BANGKIT BERJUANG mencapai KEJAYAAN ! !
even pedih perit sekalipon mnghadapi segala bagai ujian dan cabaran hidup , tetapla bergantung kepada Dia yg Esa , hanya Dia tempat kite memohon , hanya Dia tempat kite meminta kekuatan . hanya Dia segala2nya yang sempurna . ALLAH SWT . even aq taw and sedar diri aq nie bukannya dak agama , bkknya dak baek , tpi budak sengal selamba rock yang ingin menuju kepada kebaikan yang sebenar disisi Allah :) aq x kesah orang nk pndang aq pelik ke hape ke . yang penting , tuhan tengok keikhlasan hati woo . *ceyt, pesal ttbe je masok bab nie ana? er feeling betolla , haha*


Friday 26 October 2012

G.A.D.I.S ?

Assalamualaikum! Allah .. lame sangat dh x update mende nie . hee rindu je ! ^^
eoyes! GADIS ? erm! yupp that's my topic ! mende nie dh lme terpendam woo . ecece . and btw, alhamdulillah 11.10.2012 at 12.36pm , aq dah jadi budak pompuan 16taon sudhaa! :) big thanx to them who wished my bfdayy . and big gile2 thanx to dak2 aspuri yg mandikan aq ngn kopi . mmg xleyh blaa that time . HAHAHA . satu aspuri from aras bawah sampai aras atas wish ramai2 kt aq , ''KAK ANA, EPPY BFDAAAAYYYY + siraman kopiii kt muka + kne ikat kt tgh padang like banduan'' heh . trkene jgk! haha . *terharu gle time tu*

okeh . enough bout that . heh . G.A.D.I.S ?
why I say that ? yeahh alkisahnye bermulaaa ..

 dulu , dulu , er dulu .. I can't accept my ownself . why I be a girl ? why why?! yeah dlu pemikiran aq terok . segale bagai pkaian+care nk mcm lelaki . astaghfirullah . (tak bermakna aq penkit! nauzubiilah! bukan tu la, jgn salah faham keyh ) time kecik2 dlu, aq owez je maen layang2 ngn dak2 laki. maen kejar2 ngn kwn2 laki . haihh . hahhaha zaman kecik2 dlu . *sengeh* and x sngke smpai dh jadi bdk beso pon (cehhh, bajet beso) perangai still x ubah2 smpai kne marah ngn umi abah dgn care sengal aq . panjat paga n makan kt atas paga tu mmg dh jadik mende biase bagi aq , (dulu) HA.HA.HA. menangis? mmg leceh! aq owez je kate ''eleehh , pompuan yg nangis tu sume manje, benci gle!''sekarang? :)

first and foremost , ALHAMDULILLAH ALHAMDULILLAH Dia cipta aq sebagai seorang gadis :)
aq bersyukur . aq myesal di ats sgale prbuatan aq time dlu :'( yes right! I can't be an egomaniac , aq xleh selfish . Ujian Allah taala byk mmberi pengalaman and pengajaran buat diriku yg lemah ini . berdirinya aq as a teenage girl , I admit that , crying is not a sengal thing . it's lumrah . yes LUMRAH . and being a girl is not a crime . Allah jadikan setiap daripada hambanya itu untuk beribadat kepadaNYA dan sebagai ujian dalam kehidupan . dlu aq mempersoalkan hukum Allah , terutamanye mengenai AURAT . Allah .. kejamnye care aq dlu . tapi betol , menutup aurat bagi seorang muslimah itu hukum Allah yg hakiki dan suci . subhanallah T__T . bile dah kenal Allah , hati tenang kan?  *aq bkn nk bajet cm ustad-ustazah or sape2 je, aq taw ilmu aq x cukop byk lagi tuk sume nie*

mengenal pelbagai manusia dan sgale bagai ciptaan Allah in life nie , byk sgt knowledge that I learn ! alhamdulillah :) *sujud menghadap Ilahi* AllahuRabbi ..

YES . it's not a crime to change ,
BUT , it's hard to change .
IF evytg that I do have being flesh n blood .
AND . all that kinda things will be EASY and not HARD if ALLAH bless me :)

insyaAllah .

Saturday 15 September 2012

camp :)

oiitt assalamualaikum ! 
korang pe kabo? lme gle aq x update . haha byk je cite yg nk di-share-kan. how's life everyone? sure oke kan? er and how's mylife ? yeah alhamdulillah oke je . I joined the special camp at dungun last week . sumpah gempak gile woo . alhamdulillah I got a lot of sweet and haunted experiences there! HAHA :D . nak taw ta? pengalaman mematangkan ourlives taw? haha plg gempak coolio time hiking during night . mmg seram gle . but bile je in one group and we're unite in one team , alhamdulillah semuanye jadi sng woo . guys and girls were so supportive and sportng thp gabann! ^^ plg lawaak glenye time nightwalk la , sumpah aq maluuuuuuuuuu ngn deorang ! mmber2 kate aq pnye voice mengalahkan petir wei time aq jerit , laaaa mne aq taw . abg fasi tu jahat gle r , ade ke patot at first usik aq ngn bunyi kucing cm nk mengawan je . meowww meoww cnggitu / hesyhhh mne r aq nk takot . then aq wt dek je r . 2-3mins after tu , ttbe je de 'hantu' kt depan aq ngn muke gile kejam ! terkejot berok aq smpai x perasan yg suare aq satu hutan dgr . heheh sorry korangg . tapi sumpah maluuu ! and plg duoble triple maaalluu ag time kt penghujung uh , selambe ngn tade prasaannye aq nyanyi kuat2 . aq tataw pon dh smpai kt pnghujung and deorang sume duk tnggu aq . yela, dh r gelap gle tanpa lmpuuu thap seram! sume yg duk tunggu uh habes gelakkan aq . yaAllahh tuhan je yg taw time tu . erm nvrmind , tapi mmg sweet je ase . hahahaha . *adela sbbnye* weheeee . then time kt sungai mmg xleyh blaa . ingat je time nk hidopkn api uh , mmg gle mncabar woo . naseb de chaq . hahaha ksian chaq kne amek aleh position aq muahahaha . kalo nk cer mmg byk laa . the conclusion is .. Ilovethiscamp:) *skemagilekot* 

pegi kt sane 3hari jep . mmg ase tanak balik dah . nak stay at sane je! hahaha  kes bpk best la ! byk gile pengalaman suke duke aq . biasenye, kawankawan hanye tahu perasaan gumbira jep , aq jns pyh nk share mende2 sedeyh ngn sape2 nie . ececeh . tape , Allah kn ade . huuu^^ time nk balik uh , aq plg suke stay kt tepi tingkat atas bus , sbb nk tgok pemandangan sekeliling :) rase bersyukur sgt sbb dt stay around KB depends ngn tempat2 pedalaman . alhamdulillah kalo kt sini byk je kemudahan . kalo kt sane full of klape sawit and everything . kalo r aq duk kt sane msti sunyi je . haha *kejamnye* . nopelaa , sbgai tande bersyukur kepada Allah je . cecehh :)

I love to be my own self :)

Saturday 25 August 2012

new ukhwah :)

after 'kejadian' tu . Alhamdulillah syukur kepadaMu ya Rabb . Engkau kurniakan aq ramai kawan2 yg hebat dalam segi ilmu agama + akademik and yg baek2 gle . thankyou . actually , when I'm thinking back , i'll smile as i could . because of what huh ana ? hehe . I've many new friends . yes , my BFF tetap BFF di hati <3 sayang ja and yati . now I just wanna share bout my new friends . who are them ? 

toinkk t0inkk .. they are luqman zaba and adlin . I knew him since form2 kalo x silap and adlin since few months ago . alhamdulillah bahagia gle dpt mmbers cam deorang . Luqman , a student of wataniah and adlin a student of naim lilbanat . yeahh aq knal sgt2 je ngn sk0lah deorang . budak2 agama woo . tabek ! ^_^ sometimes , I feel like a humble person when texting wif them . masyaAllah cm jahil gle aq . but , I've too . MALU ? semestinya! tapii .. i'm try as the best as i could to be a good friend to them . jealous? yes totally! jealous with them tapi aq tak tunjok infront of them laa . haha ? jeluz amende na? hahah xya nk pk laen la , aq just jeluz ngn ilmu deorang . waaaaaaaa T__T 

mesti best kan kalo deorang ade dekat ngn aq ? HA.HA. harapan r . tape , yg pentim jage IMAN n HATI even kt ne pon aq brade . insyaAllah :) aq tataw pe yg Allah rancang . tapi .. hakikatnye , aq mencari jalan hidupku . almost 2yrs or more than that . then Allah kasi deorang kt aq . waahh sebak gle r . bile pk pk balik , deorang byk guide aq . Allahh .. malu tu xpyh nk kate r , mmg owez blushing je tapi deorg tataw pon .wahahahah . watlekkk watpeace ! erm both of em' mmg baek gle! probb deorang pon aq taw . hehe . tapi agak x caye . mmg x pnh nak caye pon mende tu sume deorang alami depan2 aq . wah . aq. speechless. 


salahke kalo aq kate aq meleleh jugak ? meleleh sbb pe ? ntahh , Alin . she's great girl . dy macam 'jasmin' bagi aq . and aq like 'minn edina' . she said to me like that . x sngke alin pon lyn hlovate . waaa kami chemistry! dy gadis yg lembot even aq ta pnh jmpe dy . akhlak dy pon cun! msti anak solehah kan? haha. menutop aurat of course . yaAllahh .. mmg xleyh nk ckp dh , something kuar from mate aq . argh! amende tu? airmate ey? oke fine . jatohh jugak . alhamdulillah dpt kwn cmtuh :] she guide me with a lot of ilmu , perkenalkan aq nasyid2 yg best .( haha slme nie aq lyn k-pop je) jasmin-minn edina a.k.a alin-anaa eh? heee ^^ it's hard for me to change . nak jadi 'baek' tu pyh gle kn bile mende tu sume dh mcm drh dgng ? *oke aq je yg phm*

luqman . He's the best guy ever i know . byk songeh jugak . cm aq . sengal + giler2 gak r . hahaha. byk je mende2 yg nak di-share-kan ngn aq . cehh bajet , muahaha . sportim gak r . satu kepalak ngn aq . satu je yg beza . Dia baek+muka suci . aq? wallahua'lam . but i'm still trying to be a good girl to Allah . cehh . haha ayat skemaa . aq speechless je kdg2 ngn dy sbb MALU ngn ilmu dy . hee ^^ korang! thanks for prmoting me bout SINERGI ! ^^ 

mcm pnjang gle je aq tulis . wahahah . kesimpulan yg lame tersimpul nie aq dpt simpulkan balikk .. deorang  mmg hebat . mmg x sngke Allah anugerahkan Kawan2 mcm tuh even mmg ta penah jmpe face to face . maybe Allah dh makbulkan doa yg aq mintak :] tapi .. enough ana . oke smile . thanks korang . no more words that can I say . ALHAMDULILLAH :)


Wednesday 22 August 2012

epy eid !

hai assalamualaikum evyone ! i think i'm not too late rite if i wish this ? err happy eid evyone! i'm soe for all my wrongdoings . ampon2 . yup kt fb tu dh blambak gle mmbers yg wish . tapi tak trdetik pon kt hati aq nk wish lagi time tuh . HAHA . agak sebak kot sbb ramadhan dh blahh . dah pegi . cehhh ha.ha.ha. i'm still miss u ramadhan . really miss .# (ohnoo!!! jgn leleh jgn leleh) dono why I'm still feel sad sbb dy dh blah awal# 

yeah pitcha kt ats tu cun tak? hehe . all of em' are my frens . my friends forever insyaAllah =] 
deorang mmg gempak , coolio and sengal cm aq . hahhaha . mmg x sngke akan beraya dgn deorang . rindu yg teramat kt kawan2 lame yg mmg dh satu kepalak sengal . alhamdulillah deorang x lupe aq . hewhew . SELAMAT HARI RAYA korang . ampon silap salahku . even we're far away , but mmg owez bersatu . haykal , my neighbour and owez be my neighbour . bedey , amin , baim , payed , juwea and the others pon same ! owez will be my friends insyaAllah . heh . ayattt x leyh blaa r . agak jiwang! puiiiiiii ><

and not forget, masliza , my real BFF . iloveher somucho . thanx for inviting me . i'm really appreaciated that =) actually byk je mende nk share ngn ko ja , but owez j de halangan kan ? haha mcm2 je yg trjadik . but nvrmind cuz bile aq tgok muke dy je , dh oke . dh alhamdulillah dpt juge lepaskn rindu . mmg lme gle x jmpe . kiteorg brkwn almost 10yrs . alhamdulillah alhamdulillah ^^ then farah and ajim pon ade same2 ngn kiteorg tpi kejap jek . heshh x puas ati nie >< no hal , byk je mende yg kiteorg same2 share . expecially bout SPB programmes . heh . same je laa! =D then npt forget , hayati johari! even jmpe kejap jep , but rindu tu ilang bile tgok dy . makin cute . heh . xleyh puji kalo kt depan awek tuh . hahahahaha . but seyezly , aq rindu saat dulu . saat kami maseh mude, cehh . tade r , *imissthatmoment*

btw , again I'm sorry for all my wrongdoings . 
samesame tingkatkan usahe tuk perbaiki diri ke  arah yang lebeyh baek insyaAllah :>
ukhwah fillah abada abdan filjannah insyaAllah . uhibbukum yaa asdiko'e fillah ^^

#ringkas jep# selamat hari raya :)

Friday 17 August 2012

salam ramadhan salam aidilfitri ^^

erm! assalamualaikum w.b.t . heee lame gle x update blog!! R.I.N.D.U yg teramat ! sighhh pejam celik pejam celik ramadhan dh nk habes dh . and SYAWAL will c0ming soon . i don't even know i should smile or sad or wutever . but seyezly , ramadhan this year mmg gempak . mmg masok kt hati aq . mmg laa , bile berpuase kt perantauan nie , perasaan tu laen . laen sgt . this yr la aq baru kenal erti sbnr tadarus , alhamdulilah terawih pon x skip except kalo 'Allah x mengizinkan aq' . bukan nak riak , tapi bile je sujud mghadap ilahi time sunyi , ketenangan yg dirasai tu laen . laen sgt sgt . haihhhh peluangg tu rugi kalo x manfaatkan . am i rite ? kdg2 aq malu je ngn diri aq n anyone else sbb bile usia dh 16 , baru taw sume mende nie , i'm not too late kan ? 

how bout RAYA ? raya kali nie , x cukop org . kaklong taderr . T____T . first time kot . baahhh tape , nabi pon penah bersabda . ''tuntotlaa ilmu walaupon ke negeri China'' ^^ make us str0ng! yeah yeah .. tapi raya nie agak simple but amazing! yeah aq simple je . x macam dik ani ngn angah, umi tnye je nak x baju raya yg stylo sume mende tu , tapi hati aq kate tanak . cuk0p je ngn kurong hitam polka dots + simple shawl + kasot last yr yg x penah nk pakai . hahahaha . oke cuun , smngt nk raya tu ade , tapi x mcm dulu . sedeh gle kot ramadhan dha nak blaaahh . err wow , tahon nie , aq rase sume tu . yaAllaahhh alhamdulillah , tenangnye Allahhhhh =) no more words that can I say . alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah . 

byk je mende yg nk share kt sini . sebulan aq berpuase kt sane without family . yeah and aq mampu hadapi saat tu ! exam pon baru je selesai and guess what ? cikgu2 x kasi homework pon cuti niee !! yahoooooo hahahaha sayanggggg ckgu gler2 . perhh (nmpak sgt aq dak malas) hahaha . watlekkk , cuti puas2 then balik asrama kne struggle for akhir tahon pnye examination . grrr nervouss mak aii . thp SBP pnye . do help me Allah . ^^ 

Friday 20 July 2012

DAILY DUA:O Allah! You hear my words, You behold my situation, You know what is open and what is hidden within me; nothing is hidden from You. It is me alone who is in need, a humble seeker of Your forgiveness. I beseech You with humility in my heart, with trembling and fear, in prostration and utter helplessness.

Alhamdulillah for everything.
Alhamdulillah for everything.
Alhamdulillah for everything.
Alhamdulillah for everything.
Alhamdulillah for everything.
Thank You Allah for everything ♥.




alot of storiesss that i wanna share here ! hhohohorlicksss


Saturday 2 June 2012

=( scrify and serve my rite!

assalamualaikum !
muke sengal . grr no idea . xde motif . hahah
erm , my mood currently not stable . #err PMS ? nopeee !!# hesy kesitu lak . ekceli , i'm thinking a lott of my postpone paperworks , assighments , and so on . yaAllahhh -.- . erm my bad . yeah sape suh postpone kan kan ? pejam celik pejam celik , makk aii the time flew like jets laa , kalo flew like kura-kura ta boleh ke ? asal cepat sgt ? a week already , and a week more to go . to g0 to where ? H.O.S.T.E.L ! arghhh ! tanak balikk sahut . #hewhew kene lha kt umi kalo ckp cnggini# kay dah bebel ana .

frankly speaking , feel like wanna cry when i knew that amir dh settle yg EAK . yaAllahh cepatnye mamat tu bwat . aq ? not settle yet T__T oke ur fault ana . yes i know that . alhamdulillah dh settle print . and know what? aq join EAK which stands for EKONOMI ALAM KERJAYA kalo ta silap aq . haha . and i must search for any kerjaya lha to present infront of the students and teachers . alhamdulillah i got an idea which came from kaklong jugak . i prefer to choose THE LASIK EYE SURGERY which's the latest technol0gy for this time . perhaps . nabil ask me to find and search for GENETIC . err sory bro . ahaha . aq taw ko gentle , mesti x marah pnye . heee . pray for me to present as the best as i can insyaAllah . kalo lha presentation nie berjaye , insyaAllah i'll go to INTEK . yaAllah nak sgtttt . erm i know alrealdy there's a lott of best stndts there . my frens's more better than me . but i'll do the best ! insyaAllah . sighhhh , a lot of things yg kne bwat . tu baru je search and print . i'm not read and undrstng it yet . sighhh T__T it will take a long of time .

challenging huh ? yeah mmg lha , mencabar segalenye ! sesungguhnyaaaa , i've to sacrified my FB , YM , and photoscape till my scary postpone works done ! but when ? ermmm >< insyaAllah ASAP . bio chapter5 pon ta khatam2 lagi , byk gle . dh lha aq yg kne design for SBP's card . (fliers) #tape ana , stay cool bebeh , u can u can , bwat mende nie segale bagai pon dpt pahala jugak kan kan ?#

orang laen mesti lagi byk keje from aq kan ? bknnye nak bajet lebeyh ke pape ke , tapi tension segale bagai tu xleyh blaa r , nk renovate kelas pon i've to somethng , and that 'something' tu p0n not settle yet ! #oke smile . smile oke ? perhh gle ke hape?# watlekk watpeace ! ^^ insyaAllah use this time sebaek mungkin . yela sgt ana oii . hahaa

rite n0w , try to smile even aq skg mmg tgh hadap ujian ALLAH TAALA yg laen . cehh . tadela , ujian Allah pon xleyh blaa gak , forget bout it first , #think bout ur scary freakin' postpone assighments , paperw0rks and whatsoever ! # smpai angah aq pon jadi mangse kadaan gak . haha tu lha , sape suh kaco aq time mood aq tgh gi-la ? hewhew . btw love u angahhh ! naseb angah stay cool je ngn dik ana . hahahaha . sorry!  

p/s : to anyone yg mmg keje tu tahap x ingat , do it ASAP lha . haha berpesan kt diri aq jugak . huuu . and rite now dgn muke sengal , trpkse aq pakai konsep redha and terima hakikat yg aq mmg kne korbankan mase aq tuk tdo , fb'ing , ym'ing , hmmmmmmm TT___TT

Monday 28 May 2012

who am I ?

assalamualaikum =]

seyezly my mind since a few a days mmg x wape na betol . I get a lott of probb , a lott of challenge in my life . it's bout .. arghhhh ! ISLAM mybe ? i dun think so . i think i'm a bad gurl . yeahh that's me . i'm not perfect like the others even i knew all the people in the world's not perfect except Rasulullah SAW . i knew who I'm . i'm a rough gurl . a rough gurl wif a lot of sins . i'm trying to tell and show to the world that I'm a strong gurl . i'm trying to LOVE ALLAH more than words that can I say . but . arghh it's hard to tell !

ALLAH dh ketuk pintu hati aq dulu . tapi aq x layan . aq . aq . i'm a bad gurl and i felt regret at all TT__TT ya Allah , please come backkk . i wanna u in my life . why must me ? why me ? i miss u ya Allah . i miss YOU so muchhhhhh !!! dear Allah , why it's so hard for me to mengalir air mate kerana Mu ya Allah ? why right now i feel that i'm far a wayy from You ? why why ?! TT___TT i miss that moment , that i cried to YOU atas sejadah  , praying to YOU , reciting the verses of alquran . but now .. i'm far away , far away from You . take me backk . take me backk Allahhhh . pleaseeee .

dear my Hero , thanx for everytng . i'm confuse . confuse with my way of life . i'm bad . really bad . all the things that i do mesti ade je yg x kene . TT___TT i'm tired to fight with all these kinda challenging . aq tade lha sehebat org laen , kawan2 yg laen . aq x mmpu nak bahagiakn umi abah lagi for this time . aq rase cm life aq skg serabut thp ape je , i mean , serabut ngn rohani aq . maybe cuz i'm too far from You TT___TT . please guide me again . don't left me behind . i'm scare . swear i'm scare . #listening to maher zain's song#

i've a lot of stories that wanna share . btw, i've a friend  . He's the best friend ever . He guide me a lot of things through You yaAllah . but now , we're not communicate since a few days . like something happened but idk what happened . seyezly , the sadness that i feel really appeared inside my heart . but maybe he have the another things to do than to listen to my sengal stories . haha . okehh .

my qst - do You love me YAALLAH ? bring me back to You again . can You ? help me in my study ! help me to go through all the challenge in life ! arghhhh i need You ya Allahhh ! TT____TT more than words that can I say even i've a lot of sinssss . sighh

<3 Allah <3

Saturday 26 May 2012

miss em'

assalamualaikum ! ^^
mulakan harimu dgn kalimah suci . cehh .
subhanallah alhamdulillah allahuakbar . =]
yeah ! alhamdulillah finally smpai gk kt umah . seyezly i miss everythng in kelantan !

and i miss my BFF alot . again . i miss jaja and yati so mucho even i know i'm bad fwen towards em' =(

know what huh ? study there without both of ya feel like i wanna suicide myself . it's not like what all of ya thought . ha.ha. everybody thought that i'm eppy till forget em' . what the ? sokey , they didn't know what's the real neway . btw , farhana sukri didn't forget all of ya lha ! swear , ermmm dh la ckp sal nie . tade gune gk kalo explain pnjang . kan ? (gaye sulking thp gaban lha nie) =( 

girls , in ourlifes , must have the 'pengorbanan' rite ? nk capai pengorbanan tu menyeksakan woo . lagak eppy kt luar but inside nobody know . cewahh . #oke xya nk bebel# haha . aq rindu gle kt korang . kt sane xleyh beb bawak phn , aq kn dak baek so kne f0llow the rules la . hahahaha #biala slalu je pakai mende yg laen drp studntd laen p0n# lntak aq . but seyez lha , mmg rindu + makin sayanggggg ! eeeiii . hahaha xya nk geli geli laa mkcik , dh kenyataan derr . ble nk jmpe nie ? lme lgi ke ? ble nk stdy skli ? ble nk lepak lagi ? ble nk jadi matang ? opppsss c0op aq x kate korang x matang okengg . bhahaha yatii ! jajaaa ! rinduuuu!

erm exam baru je habez . alhamdulillah . baru leh rase pernafasan aq skg become more better than before . yeahhh ! how's exam ? grrrr . korang mesti bleyh pnye . aq ? errrr still lam process of ushe + doa + tawakkal . ekeke . kite janji nk 9A+ kan kan ? pengorbanan !! insyaAllah !

papehal pon , the conclusion yg mmg dh lme gile aq simpan , just this words . ILOVEUMYBFF , IMISSUMYBFF . =) swear , nobody can't replace both of ya there and aq mmg xkn cari p0n . sbb korang special bagi aq even mmg sengal . and aq bff yg 'bad' sbb byk wt hal kt korang kan ? aq try jadi yg trbaek insyaAllah . hanya doa y mmpu aq pnjatkan . hanya pengalaman kite yg mmpu aq ingatkan . hanya PERJUANGAN yg kite janji lha aq jaoh from korang . semate2 demi kejayaan dunia akhirat yg kite pomiz . korang ingat kan ? sobbb2 , #part nie cm sebak je weh# . (err aq cover jap nie)

and i hope , both of ya never thought bad bout me again . =( 
aq sayang korang . sayang sgt2 . sangat . sangat . 

Saturday 14 April 2012

can I ?

yaaaaa ! sumpah rindu rindu ! 5dayss holiday ! yeahhh but still not enough for me . hehe . so how's life now everybody ? yes my life ? alhamdulillah so far sooo gooood ^_________^ ( akat kening double jerk) . really ? chincah ? neyy . rite now selseme dh serang aq . sobb3 , hidungg merah thp pe je . cm badot , tpi tape , maintain cute . hahahaha . #joking woo#  at SAHUT , I be a PRS , will coming soon , MPP mybe ? yeahh #bajet nk pimpin students la konon # hewhew . okeng enough . relax cool cheer okeyy? ^^

alhmdulillah choral speaking dh beres . and now , can focuz on study . busy thp dewa skg smpai tanah pon x cukop aq nk pijak . cehh . every evening comfom de archery . perhh i'm tired . i'm happy neway . well my life now ? alhamdulillah . i can smile . sshhuussh bad story . say HI to new story . welcome to my new sengal life ! hewhew . kt sane tataw lha cane aq leyh active . dono . err x bajet pon eh . hee =='' . yaa ! know what ? kt sane de sorng mamat tu sbijik muke ngn aq ! majoriti kate kiteorg siblings . puiiii . de ke patot ? muke aq and mamat tu ? S.E.B.I.J.I.K S.A.M.E ?

fuhhhh tarik nafasss . in . outttt . in . outtt . tutt tuttt
to umi abah kaklong angah adek ani ! -- insyaAllah adek ana will become a doc one day ! do pray for me please >? but i wanna be a PILOT ! PILOT ! cehh wutever . actly i'm totally afraid . i'm scare if i cant wish my promise to umi and abah . i'm totally tired there . Allah do test me a lot of things  . but dun worry cuz i'm a strong gurl ever yeah ! i dowon to mention here what He test me . but insyaAllah i'm believe in Allah's Love . i know that HE love me . =) see ? i can smile rite ? yehaa . umi abah , do pray for ur noti happy go lucky daughter there . pray for her to be strong like kaklong . iloveu umiabah . love umi abah so much ! also my beloved closed siblings ever ! #okehh nie dh jiwang thp mati# <3 <3


i am who i am . no one can't stop me selagi mende yg aq nak tu tidak bercanggah . insyaAllah =]
thanks to Allah giving me a sweet kaple ever umi and abah <3 , also the great siblings and last but not least also my beloved BFF and friends . gtg now .


Thursday 15 March 2012

daylong =]


piss piss . nk gtaw satu cer nie , i'm speechless just now . oke dah . #err tuje?#
yeahaaa best gle leh jmpe ngn gengg lame and slamenye ! winkwink . byk gle aq dgr cer masing2 , hahaha lawakk pon de . tapi satu je yg ta satisfy . ckgu hasbullah kenekn aq dpn deorng >,< ckgu ! x acii laa ! kantoiii matii ngn deorng , owez je kenekn aq . tape , the important is , we're eppy ! mesti umi yg gtaw ckgu kn ? umi mmg laa , alaa juwea pon same je . bukan aq sorng . hahahaha . (*aq ngn ckgu je yg phm nie . ekeke )

ermm ta snggop nk tunggu sabtu nie ='( . nak dtg kelantan balik about two months more . aja x aci laa , kalo outingg , cmfom balik umah . >,< . haha oke tape r , ta kesah =] . haha what else i wanna say ? it's acly bout myself . i wanna change smtg inmylife . alhmdulillah i can slowly and slowly . let be mysecret bout that 'smgtg' . totally rite ! when stay alone at another place , something new will we learn . rite ? when far awayy from parenz and oldbloved fwenz like kutub utara and selatan , my feelim feel totally dffent , evytg must i gonna through inlife . hope Allah will make me strong . cehhh #it's been a long tyme i didnt say that word, 'strong' # 

dowon to post a long strory now . hahah , but i just wanna say . ilovemyfwenz , yes swear ! ilovethemalot ! =]

let's smile =) insyaALLAH .

Wednesday 14 March 2012

storyy moryy !

assalamualaikum and mownim mownim !! ^^ hahaha it's been sucho long tyme i didnt updte my blog ! fuhhh rindu rindu ! puiii rindu sape ? tahh , adela . wekkk . oke dah . now , i just wanna share and tell d world bout my new story , new smile and new life there ! hehe there ? where's there ?  jenggg jengg jenggggg ! 

gotcha ! that's my new boarding school ~ SAHUT je pon , not TKC , SSP or STF . angan angan aq wanna be a mjscians ta trcapaiiii doe . but being a SBPians pon dh alhamdulillah =] . cehhhh . #oke now dh ta majok ey ana ? err mnenye aq majok!#  btw , my journey there took bout 3-4 hours . not so tired like farah , anis , payed , ajim and juwe laa . hahaha *gile kejam* . SAHUT is a new one of boardin' skul and my batch will be the 2nd candidates of SPM .winkwink =>

orintasi =) gempak  

we took 5days for orintasi . penatt ta trkate laa , btw mmg gempak best ! alhmdulillah . dak2 nie mmg r , gile sportim kecoh , expecially dak laki . hahaha . aq mmg gelakk ta igt dunie *tapi leh cover from dlu hehe* ingt je balikk dak2 laki kne buli ngn juniors sndrik when orintasi , adeke patott suh wt chicken dance . tapi tu laa , lambat gle nak smpai , org tunggu pnye r brjanggot . each event ke hape , comfom si danial ade ngn aq . tataw laa nape , mamat tu mmg caringg woo . that day aq trrrkantoii leleh , gle ! aq ingt dy dh kuar rehat . skli pndang depangg , dh de kt depan mate . fuhhhh mmg r , kalo aq nak kate mate masok habok pon , mmg dh terlambat . and terrpakse dgn hati yg x rela , cer kt dy why aq ttbe jdi sengal nk leleh . hewhew he's like my bro ! alhmdulillah de jgk org caringg . kan ? hahaha . dh la my former clzmate . now ? jadi clzmate aq! syahmae , denei and pokyed mmg ! sje knekan aq infront two class . 4USIM and 4UMP . smpaii aq kne pnggil kt ckgu suh syairr . yaAlllahhhhh deorng mmg ! okeh , two class gelakkn aq , x aci betol >.< and kalo nak cer one by one mmg x habes . ekeke 

ekceli , aftr 5days tu , i'm d one who got d culture shock . err why ? cuz of their sstem pmbelajan bpk totally dfferent from harian bese . it's ekceli depends on someone to control him/her life . kalo pndaii cover , insyaAllah evytng's gonna be kay =] seniors byk je yg guide aq . ecehh . my prinsip is sekali aq melangkah , insyaAllah selamanya akn ku melangkah till i get wut i really wanna in this world . but sume tu ta mudah kalo ta kuat kan? haha . iman tu mmg la , owez je turon naek . tapi tu laa . kne pndaii . and alhmdulillah , aq tade la lemah smpai nk burn out claz or skul , adeje kawan aq yg blahh tros aftr daftar tu . gle laa , ta pk future ke ? and now currently biasekn diri wif all this new surroundings and situation =] . and owez tell myself that #yeahh evytng gonna be okeh soon#  hahaha . 

mylife here's not like before and alott of things change slowly slowly and slowly to be a better prson one day =] insyaAllah . and i'm not like the others laa yg parenz deorng owez je dtg every two weeks . adehh ta kesah pon . hahaha . btw , stdy here mmg best sbb stdy ngn kwn kwn yg cool and brilliants  #deorng laa# . org kate ckgu ckgi sbp x ngaja , nope , all the tchrs there mengaja je . hoho . tapi xleh beat ngn ckgu ckgi wb la kot . and if i'm still in smkwb , stdy ngn deorng pon mmg best jugak =] kwn2 aq budak2 pndaii (4alfa) hahahaha . 

my post dh pnjangg gle ~ hahaha next tyme lak cer . 
cio and peace yok ! ^^ assalamualaikum =)

Monday 27 February 2012


today's my last day at skul . aahhh byk giler na kene hadaap . rase mcm dha ta blh na tahan when looking my clzmates . drama hindustan mmg thp giga lha tdi kan ? hahaha .(aq tanak cer pe yg trjadik, t ta pasal2 mate aq masok habok lagi !) mate dah mcm panda ape . guys , thnx alottt . aq ta penah jmpe clzmates yg mcm nie sumur idop aq . tacink gilerr . smpaii umi a.k.a ckgu maznah korang pon jadi mangse jugak . okeh , qilah kate aq kejam bwat korang mcm nie . i'm sorry . aq . ntah . byk kn memories kite ? 3years wehh . dh mcm siblingss , swear ta leh blaa . perangai snsorngg tu aq blh je na ckp . weehee =) kalo che sue , comfom keje gelak je kn ? chesue , thnx sbb guide aq byk hal . no more words that can i say . *speechless* mektangg kalo skli pndang laki hensem , komfom tros jatoh kan ? hahahahahaha . engom . atiq be strong okeh ? ingt pesan ana . korang , jage atiq lelok . atiq kn owez je ta sehat . kalo dmm , mkn obat tros . #cehhh aq caring woo# and to my all clzmates , aq sayng korang! korang trhebat trbaek ! kalo aq na cer snsorng nie mmg sumur idopp ta habes . for guys , nti tlg cheer up kan 4alfa okeh ngn lawak korng yg sengal , expecially paih and baim .to my dear n lovely hayati , even u're in beta . i'm blieve oneday u'll be in ALFA ! ingt ape yg aq psn tdi =) jgn leleh cm tdii eh ngekngok ? taa malu org tgok . ekeke . let'ss checkitouttt ~

just click tuk clear okehh ! ^^

after balik skola tu , tros je bace love letter atiq and yati . Allaahh tacink tu tuhan je yg taw . ngn rambot mengalahkan rapunzel , on mp3 then trjon kt katil , mate time tu mmg bengkak habes . #skg aq dah kalah ngn tears # tpi . tears tu untuk sahabat2 aq . aq iklas ,. cehh . #erm  aq taw aq lemah# i'll bringg ur love letters there ! big thnx korang ! again big thnx ! =] papepon . jgn lpe aq taw ? kite fight in SPM 2013 ! 

#aq ta penah anggap pon mende nie sume kn trjadik . berat giler ujian nie . tapiii . i've too . guys , kite cool lepak sntaii kan ? ta cun kalo wt drama hindustan kan ? ha.ha. okeh enough , tanak stat balik . jom! we're smile . i lived , i learned , i smile . 

Friday 24 February 2012

help me Allah =/

assalamualaikum and a very good mwnim to evyone =] i just wanna share smtg . but tade niat na show off nauzubillah okehhh . i'm just cnfused T__T   

not clear at all aite ? zooommm it  . =]

 alhmdulillah bersyukur thp giga kt ALLAH SWT . kasi aq chance for second intake . kalo dulu , pnye lha leleh ta brlaguu smpai mogok mam , tanak tron bawah . giler mcm b**** je aq . haha . but now? Allah kasi jalan dha . tapi tapi tapi . aq mcm tanak . aq ase cm better aq stay kt SMKWB . my beloved skul where i got 8A's there . oh my Allah . aq takot na hadap somethng yg aq tataw ap yg akn trjadik kt aq nnti when aq g sane . TT__TT umi abah ckp 'go on ana ' . deorng tarahal . tapi aq ? i'm scare enough . scare  ta leh na catch up in any subjects . yea i know la , subjects same je . tapi tapi . kalo aq still je pakai system loading ? how can i go through sume hal nnti ? aaaaaahh . btw , ALHAMDULILLAH again ya rabb =)

harapan umi abah kt aq tinggi langitt woo . aq ta leh na tdo smlm . deorng siap angan2 suh aq g oversea lagi after SPM nie TT_____TT mmpu ke aq ? kuatkah aq ? umi abah , ana takot . tapi percayalahhh . anakmu ini akan struggle bbetol mcm kaklong . na lebeh dari kaklongg mungkin . terbaek mcm kaklonggg TT__TT . #oke , now pasir dha leleh# patot aq g ke tak ? aq aq ! aaahhh takot na face . kalo kt sini , allhmdulillah , dpt kawan2 yg hebattt , terbaekkkkk ! aq sayang deorng . sayangg sgt2 !!

kejayaan tu kt mne2 kan? kt sini pon aq leh je dapat asalkn usaha tu yg pentim . sedeh + sebak + pilu + happy . sume dha mix skli . first dpt taw , aq leleh je . dono why . TT___TT mcm lawak je life . aq apply kt tempat laen , tapi tuhan kasi yg nie . tape aq bersyukur =] lemahhhhnye aq . go or not ? peluang kt depan mata dh . haihh . again , should go or not ? go or not ? not ? go ? go ? not ? goo !!

Sunday 19 February 2012


what's mean of attitude actually ? yeaa it's show of ourselves aite? first impression when my new fwens saw me , for sure they will say 'eh tu budak baek , looks at her hijab, laboh ' ha.ha.ha . and a few of them told me the truth . what so funny i guess . dun judge a book by it's cover kay ? i was laughin' at all that day . no i'm not . i'm not like what you said . tapi bukan na kate yg aq nie jenis 'rosak aklak' . tak tak . nauzubillah . i dono what i wanna say . i'm just speechless . still thinking , actually what i wanna in this world ? i dono , sometimes , 'pasir akn leleh' jugak . sbb hidop kt dunia nie , a lott of sins yg aq bwat . aq ntah la , it's dfficult to say . but i'll try to be a good muslimah . cehhh ,

menutup aurat ? byk je cara yg bleh bwat . ta smstinye ngn pakai jubah tudong laboh segale bagai kan? but feel weirdo wif some people yg na kate pemikiran deorg nie kureng , tak jugak . tapi depends on masing2 la kan? hati Allah pegang , no one can ckp mcm2 . ta baek . i mean , it's depends on someone la na tutop aurat tu ngn care mcm mne sklipon . org keliling ta berhak na halang . but just one thing . asalkn menutop aurat . bukan membalut aurat . hee =] *brpesan kt diri aq jugak *  

bile masok je alam remaje nie , cabaran tu xley blaa . but i'm now try to impr0ve myself ke arah yg better from dulu . try na jadi budak baek . *eh slme nie jahat ke? * hahaha . sbb dulu byk je dose . na kate insaf , ntah la . tapi kalo na bwat kebaikan , ta leh na show off ~ riakk woo .

'something' is haunting me till now . idono what should i do . smetimes i'm just stared at my window during nite . looking up the stars . find my life . and keep asking , who are you farhana sukri? why u lived in this world ? bergune ke ? sighhh guide me yaAllah . sujud mengadap Allah is the best way . ask for His guideness . jika jatoh untai mutiara kerana Allah , alangkah untong . KALULAH aq mmpu semua tu ='(

kata-kata cinta terukap indah 
mengalir berzikir dikidung doaku
sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
butir butir cinta airmata ku
teringat semua yang KAU beri utkku 
ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini 
ya ILAHI <3  

Sunday 12 February 2012

tacink . eheh

heyy . haha post tittle mcm pe je kan ? tapi betol lha , since masok upper form nie , mmg byk giler lha smtg yg kne aq face . ujian Allah kan ? kelas 4alfa currenly silent . and now , atiq yg teman aq kt tepi . besenye yati la since form1 ag . but we're seperated . na bwat mcm mne kan ? jaja pon duk jaoh . i miss them alott TT__TT .

. suria and intan . they're really nice to me TT__TT ilove them also . they give me alott of spirit here to be a strong and brilliant gurl . yaAllahhh . thnx . alott of thanx . they make me cheer in claz even yg laen2 dha tade . cehhh ana . jiwang woo . aq ta maen doe ayat ayat bunga nie . ahahha . tapi err tu dulu . mmg la , anti giler mendemende nie sume . skg tak . kot la. ngee ^^ rase mcm na ngs . aaaaaa dha kuar pasir . ta suke r . smlm hajar called , giler aq rindu . rindu sgt2 . #air hujan dha tr0n r kt pipi # aaaaaa mcm berat na face sume nie ! aq rindu kawan-kawan aq . korangggggg . thnk you for evythg .

suria and intan , deorng byk guide aq in study . alhamdulillah . kalo deorng tade kt kls , tataw la aq nie mcm mne nti . tapi seyez . aq terharu . bersyukur sgt2 , maybe nie la hikmat kan ? ta dpt mrsm or sbp , tapi Allah kasi clazmates yg caring TT___TT . aq ta bleh na ckp kt deorng cnggini sbb kite0rg nie mmg gengg gilergiler . wt c0ol ngekngok je . ececece . nti ta psl2 dpt anugerah terbaekk drama . hahaha ngeng .

and now , aq nrvous , exam dha dekat . tapi aq lnsong ta ready . mmpu ke aq na score byk A nti ? why aq nie?  aq boleh! aq boleh ! aaaaaaaaaa ! TT____TT act my feelim still not in a good stable mood yet . aq na try asrama . na sgt2 . jeluz ngn deorng . tapi . tapi aq . aq try to accept sbb Allah lagi tawu pe yg trbek . kan ? =]  why berat sgt nie aq na kene hadap? ohh tuhan . help me . help me . aq jatohhh . aq maseh jatohhh . aq na gapai smtg tuk aq na naek balikk . tapi 'somethng' tu hape? aq ta nmpakkk . aq ta nampak lagi !! aq na bangon from sume nie! na  bangkitttttt balikkkk . tanak pndang kt bawah tu , na cari and gapai 'smtg' tu and na try bangonn ! angkat aq ! anggkat aq !! TT______TT