Saturday 2 June 2012

=( scrify and serve my rite!

assalamualaikum !
muke sengal . grr no idea . xde motif . hahah
erm , my mood currently not stable . #err PMS ? nopeee !!# hesy kesitu lak . ekceli , i'm thinking a lott of my postpone paperworks , assighments , and so on . yaAllahhh -.- . erm my bad . yeah sape suh postpone kan kan ? pejam celik pejam celik , makk aii the time flew like jets laa , kalo flew like kura-kura ta boleh ke ? asal cepat sgt ? a week already , and a week more to go . to g0 to where ? H.O.S.T.E.L ! arghhh ! tanak balikk sahut . #hewhew kene lha kt umi kalo ckp cnggini# kay dah bebel ana .

frankly speaking , feel like wanna cry when i knew that amir dh settle yg EAK . yaAllahh cepatnye mamat tu bwat . aq ? not settle yet T__T oke ur fault ana . yes i know that . alhamdulillah dh settle print . and know what? aq join EAK which stands for EKONOMI ALAM KERJAYA kalo ta silap aq . haha . and i must search for any kerjaya lha to present infront of the students and teachers . alhamdulillah i got an idea which came from kaklong jugak . i prefer to choose THE LASIK EYE SURGERY which's the latest technol0gy for this time . perhaps . nabil ask me to find and search for GENETIC . err sory bro . ahaha . aq taw ko gentle , mesti x marah pnye . heee . pray for me to present as the best as i can insyaAllah . kalo lha presentation nie berjaye , insyaAllah i'll go to INTEK . yaAllah nak sgtttt . erm i know alrealdy there's a lott of best stndts there . my frens's more better than me . but i'll do the best ! insyaAllah . sighhhh , a lot of things yg kne bwat . tu baru je search and print . i'm not read and undrstng it yet . sighhh T__T it will take a long of time .

challenging huh ? yeah mmg lha , mencabar segalenye ! sesungguhnyaaaa , i've to sacrified my FB , YM , and photoscape till my scary postpone works done ! but when ? ermmm >< insyaAllah ASAP . bio chapter5 pon ta khatam2 lagi , byk gle . dh lha aq yg kne design for SBP's card . (fliers) #tape ana , stay cool bebeh , u can u can , bwat mende nie segale bagai pon dpt pahala jugak kan kan ?#

orang laen mesti lagi byk keje from aq kan ? bknnye nak bajet lebeyh ke pape ke , tapi tension segale bagai tu xleyh blaa r , nk renovate kelas pon i've to somethng , and that 'something' tu p0n not settle yet ! #oke smile . smile oke ? perhh gle ke hape?# watlekk watpeace ! ^^ insyaAllah use this time sebaek mungkin . yela sgt ana oii . hahaa

rite n0w , try to smile even aq skg mmg tgh hadap ujian ALLAH TAALA yg laen . cehh . tadela , ujian Allah pon xleyh blaa gak , forget bout it first , #think bout ur scary freakin' postpone assighments , paperw0rks and whatsoever ! # smpai angah aq pon jadi mangse kadaan gak . haha tu lha , sape suh kaco aq time mood aq tgh gi-la ? hewhew . btw love u angahhh ! naseb angah stay cool je ngn dik ana . hahahaha . sorry!  

p/s : to anyone yg mmg keje tu tahap x ingat , do it ASAP lha . haha berpesan kt diri aq jugak . huuu . and rite now dgn muke sengal , trpkse aq pakai konsep redha and terima hakikat yg aq mmg kne korbankan mase aq tuk tdo , fb'ing , ym'ing , hmmmmmmm TT___TT


  1. ak pon dh scrify ak punye mase hnye utk folio SIVIK . haha

  2. HAHA ! sivik pon ko pakai filio jugak ey? cehh majoo der , chaiyok2 ! ^^
