Monday 28 May 2012

who am I ?

assalamualaikum =]

seyezly my mind since a few a days mmg x wape na betol . I get a lott of probb , a lott of challenge in my life . it's bout .. arghhhh ! ISLAM mybe ? i dun think so . i think i'm a bad gurl . yeahh that's me . i'm not perfect like the others even i knew all the people in the world's not perfect except Rasulullah SAW . i knew who I'm . i'm a rough gurl . a rough gurl wif a lot of sins . i'm trying to tell and show to the world that I'm a strong gurl . i'm trying to LOVE ALLAH more than words that can I say . but . arghh it's hard to tell !

ALLAH dh ketuk pintu hati aq dulu . tapi aq x layan . aq . aq . i'm a bad gurl and i felt regret at all TT__TT ya Allah , please come backkk . i wanna u in my life . why must me ? why me ? i miss u ya Allah . i miss YOU so muchhhhhh !!! dear Allah , why it's so hard for me to mengalir air mate kerana Mu ya Allah ? why right now i feel that i'm far a wayy from You ? why why ?! TT___TT i miss that moment , that i cried to YOU atas sejadah  , praying to YOU , reciting the verses of alquran . but now .. i'm far away , far away from You . take me backk . take me backk Allahhhh . pleaseeee .

dear my Hero , thanx for everytng . i'm confuse . confuse with my way of life . i'm bad . really bad . all the things that i do mesti ade je yg x kene . TT___TT i'm tired to fight with all these kinda challenging . aq tade lha sehebat org laen , kawan2 yg laen . aq x mmpu nak bahagiakn umi abah lagi for this time . aq rase cm life aq skg serabut thp ape je , i mean , serabut ngn rohani aq . maybe cuz i'm too far from You TT___TT . please guide me again . don't left me behind . i'm scare . swear i'm scare . #listening to maher zain's song#

i've a lot of stories that wanna share . btw, i've a friend  . He's the best friend ever . He guide me a lot of things through You yaAllah . but now , we're not communicate since a few days . like something happened but idk what happened . seyezly , the sadness that i feel really appeared inside my heart . but maybe he have the another things to do than to listen to my sengal stories . haha . okehh .

my qst - do You love me YAALLAH ? bring me back to You again . can You ? help me in my study ! help me to go through all the challenge in life ! arghhhh i need You ya Allahhh ! TT____TT more than words that can I say even i've a lot of sinssss . sighh

<3 Allah <3

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