Saturday 15 September 2012

camp :)

oiitt assalamualaikum ! 
korang pe kabo? lme gle aq x update . haha byk je cite yg nk di-share-kan. how's life everyone? sure oke kan? er and how's mylife ? yeah alhamdulillah oke je . I joined the special camp at dungun last week . sumpah gempak gile woo . alhamdulillah I got a lot of sweet and haunted experiences there! HAHA :D . nak taw ta? pengalaman mematangkan ourlives taw? haha plg gempak coolio time hiking during night . mmg seram gle . but bile je in one group and we're unite in one team , alhamdulillah semuanye jadi sng woo . guys and girls were so supportive and sportng thp gabann! ^^ plg lawaak glenye time nightwalk la , sumpah aq maluuuuuuuuuu ngn deorang ! mmber2 kate aq pnye voice mengalahkan petir wei time aq jerit , laaaa mne aq taw . abg fasi tu jahat gle r , ade ke patot at first usik aq ngn bunyi kucing cm nk mengawan je . meowww meoww cnggitu / hesyhhh mne r aq nk takot . then aq wt dek je r . 2-3mins after tu , ttbe je de 'hantu' kt depan aq ngn muke gile kejam ! terkejot berok aq smpai x perasan yg suare aq satu hutan dgr . heheh sorry korangg . tapi sumpah maluuu ! and plg duoble triple maaalluu ag time kt penghujung uh , selambe ngn tade prasaannye aq nyanyi kuat2 . aq tataw pon dh smpai kt pnghujung and deorang sume duk tnggu aq . yela, dh r gelap gle tanpa lmpuuu thap seram! sume yg duk tunggu uh habes gelakkan aq . yaAllahh tuhan je yg taw time tu . erm nvrmind , tapi mmg sweet je ase . hahahaha . *adela sbbnye* weheeee . then time kt sungai mmg xleyh blaa . ingat je time nk hidopkn api uh , mmg gle mncabar woo . naseb de chaq . hahaha ksian chaq kne amek aleh position aq muahahaha . kalo nk cer mmg byk laa . the conclusion is .. Ilovethiscamp:) *skemagilekot* 

pegi kt sane 3hari jep . mmg ase tanak balik dah . nak stay at sane je! hahaha  kes bpk best la ! byk gile pengalaman suke duke aq . biasenye, kawankawan hanye tahu perasaan gumbira jep , aq jns pyh nk share mende2 sedeyh ngn sape2 nie . ececeh . tape , Allah kn ade . huuu^^ time nk balik uh , aq plg suke stay kt tepi tingkat atas bus , sbb nk tgok pemandangan sekeliling :) rase bersyukur sgt sbb dt stay around KB depends ngn tempat2 pedalaman . alhamdulillah kalo kt sini byk je kemudahan . kalo kt sane full of klape sawit and everything . kalo r aq duk kt sane msti sunyi je . haha *kejamnye* . nopelaa , sbgai tande bersyukur kepada Allah je . cecehh :)

I love to be my own self :)

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