Monday 27 February 2012


today's my last day at skul . aahhh byk giler na kene hadaap . rase mcm dha ta blh na tahan when looking my clzmates . drama hindustan mmg thp giga lha tdi kan ? hahaha .(aq tanak cer pe yg trjadik, t ta pasal2 mate aq masok habok lagi !) mate dah mcm panda ape . guys , thnx alottt . aq ta penah jmpe clzmates yg mcm nie sumur idop aq . tacink gilerr . smpaii umi a.k.a ckgu maznah korang pon jadi mangse jugak . okeh , qilah kate aq kejam bwat korang mcm nie . i'm sorry . aq . ntah . byk kn memories kite ? 3years wehh . dh mcm siblingss , swear ta leh blaa . perangai snsorngg tu aq blh je na ckp . weehee =) kalo che sue , comfom keje gelak je kn ? chesue , thnx sbb guide aq byk hal . no more words that can i say . *speechless* mektangg kalo skli pndang laki hensem , komfom tros jatoh kan ? hahahahahaha . engom . atiq be strong okeh ? ingt pesan ana . korang , jage atiq lelok . atiq kn owez je ta sehat . kalo dmm , mkn obat tros . #cehhh aq caring woo# and to my all clzmates , aq sayng korang! korang trhebat trbaek ! kalo aq na cer snsorng nie mmg sumur idopp ta habes . for guys , nti tlg cheer up kan 4alfa okeh ngn lawak korng yg sengal , expecially paih and baim .to my dear n lovely hayati , even u're in beta . i'm blieve oneday u'll be in ALFA ! ingt ape yg aq psn tdi =) jgn leleh cm tdii eh ngekngok ? taa malu org tgok . ekeke . let'ss checkitouttt ~

just click tuk clear okehh ! ^^

after balik skola tu , tros je bace love letter atiq and yati . Allaahh tacink tu tuhan je yg taw . ngn rambot mengalahkan rapunzel , on mp3 then trjon kt katil , mate time tu mmg bengkak habes . #skg aq dah kalah ngn tears # tpi . tears tu untuk sahabat2 aq . aq iklas ,. cehh . #erm  aq taw aq lemah# i'll bringg ur love letters there ! big thnx korang ! again big thnx ! =] papepon . jgn lpe aq taw ? kite fight in SPM 2013 ! 

#aq ta penah anggap pon mende nie sume kn trjadik . berat giler ujian nie . tapiii . i've too . guys , kite cool lepak sntaii kan ? ta cun kalo wt drama hindustan kan ? ha.ha. okeh enough , tanak stat balik . jom! we're smile . i lived , i learned , i smile . 

Friday 24 February 2012

help me Allah =/

assalamualaikum and a very good mwnim to evyone =] i just wanna share smtg . but tade niat na show off nauzubillah okehhh . i'm just cnfused T__T   

not clear at all aite ? zooommm it  . =]

 alhmdulillah bersyukur thp giga kt ALLAH SWT . kasi aq chance for second intake . kalo dulu , pnye lha leleh ta brlaguu smpai mogok mam , tanak tron bawah . giler mcm b**** je aq . haha . but now? Allah kasi jalan dha . tapi tapi tapi . aq mcm tanak . aq ase cm better aq stay kt SMKWB . my beloved skul where i got 8A's there . oh my Allah . aq takot na hadap somethng yg aq tataw ap yg akn trjadik kt aq nnti when aq g sane . TT__TT umi abah ckp 'go on ana ' . deorng tarahal . tapi aq ? i'm scare enough . scare  ta leh na catch up in any subjects . yea i know la , subjects same je . tapi tapi . kalo aq still je pakai system loading ? how can i go through sume hal nnti ? aaaaaahh . btw , ALHAMDULILLAH again ya rabb =)

harapan umi abah kt aq tinggi langitt woo . aq ta leh na tdo smlm . deorng siap angan2 suh aq g oversea lagi after SPM nie TT_____TT mmpu ke aq ? kuatkah aq ? umi abah , ana takot . tapi percayalahhh . anakmu ini akan struggle bbetol mcm kaklong . na lebeh dari kaklongg mungkin . terbaek mcm kaklonggg TT__TT . #oke , now pasir dha leleh# patot aq g ke tak ? aq aq ! aaahhh takot na face . kalo kt sini , allhmdulillah , dpt kawan2 yg hebattt , terbaekkkkk ! aq sayang deorng . sayangg sgt2 !!

kejayaan tu kt mne2 kan? kt sini pon aq leh je dapat asalkn usaha tu yg pentim . sedeh + sebak + pilu + happy . sume dha mix skli . first dpt taw , aq leleh je . dono why . TT___TT mcm lawak je life . aq apply kt tempat laen , tapi tuhan kasi yg nie . tape aq bersyukur =] lemahhhhnye aq . go or not ? peluang kt depan mata dh . haihh . again , should go or not ? go or not ? not ? go ? go ? not ? goo !!

Sunday 19 February 2012


what's mean of attitude actually ? yeaa it's show of ourselves aite? first impression when my new fwens saw me , for sure they will say 'eh tu budak baek , looks at her hijab, laboh ' ha.ha.ha . and a few of them told me the truth . what so funny i guess . dun judge a book by it's cover kay ? i was laughin' at all that day . no i'm not . i'm not like what you said . tapi bukan na kate yg aq nie jenis 'rosak aklak' . tak tak . nauzubillah . i dono what i wanna say . i'm just speechless . still thinking , actually what i wanna in this world ? i dono , sometimes , 'pasir akn leleh' jugak . sbb hidop kt dunia nie , a lott of sins yg aq bwat . aq ntah la , it's dfficult to say . but i'll try to be a good muslimah . cehhh ,

menutup aurat ? byk je cara yg bleh bwat . ta smstinye ngn pakai jubah tudong laboh segale bagai kan? but feel weirdo wif some people yg na kate pemikiran deorg nie kureng , tak jugak . tapi depends on masing2 la kan? hati Allah pegang , no one can ckp mcm2 . ta baek . i mean , it's depends on someone la na tutop aurat tu ngn care mcm mne sklipon . org keliling ta berhak na halang . but just one thing . asalkn menutop aurat . bukan membalut aurat . hee =] *brpesan kt diri aq jugak *  

bile masok je alam remaje nie , cabaran tu xley blaa . but i'm now try to impr0ve myself ke arah yg better from dulu . try na jadi budak baek . *eh slme nie jahat ke? * hahaha . sbb dulu byk je dose . na kate insaf , ntah la . tapi kalo na bwat kebaikan , ta leh na show off ~ riakk woo .

'something' is haunting me till now . idono what should i do . smetimes i'm just stared at my window during nite . looking up the stars . find my life . and keep asking , who are you farhana sukri? why u lived in this world ? bergune ke ? sighhh guide me yaAllah . sujud mengadap Allah is the best way . ask for His guideness . jika jatoh untai mutiara kerana Allah , alangkah untong . KALULAH aq mmpu semua tu ='(

kata-kata cinta terukap indah 
mengalir berzikir dikidung doaku
sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
butir butir cinta airmata ku
teringat semua yang KAU beri utkku 
ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini 
ya ILAHI <3  

Sunday 12 February 2012

tacink . eheh

heyy . haha post tittle mcm pe je kan ? tapi betol lha , since masok upper form nie , mmg byk giler lha smtg yg kne aq face . ujian Allah kan ? kelas 4alfa currenly silent . and now , atiq yg teman aq kt tepi . besenye yati la since form1 ag . but we're seperated . na bwat mcm mne kan ? jaja pon duk jaoh . i miss them alott TT__TT .

. suria and intan . they're really nice to me TT__TT ilove them also . they give me alott of spirit here to be a strong and brilliant gurl . yaAllahhh . thnx . alott of thanx . they make me cheer in claz even yg laen2 dha tade . cehhh ana . jiwang woo . aq ta maen doe ayat ayat bunga nie . ahahha . tapi err tu dulu . mmg la , anti giler mendemende nie sume . skg tak . kot la. ngee ^^ rase mcm na ngs . aaaaaa dha kuar pasir . ta suke r . smlm hajar called , giler aq rindu . rindu sgt2 . #air hujan dha tr0n r kt pipi # aaaaaa mcm berat na face sume nie ! aq rindu kawan-kawan aq . korangggggg . thnk you for evythg .

suria and intan , deorng byk guide aq in study . alhamdulillah . kalo deorng tade kt kls , tataw la aq nie mcm mne nti . tapi seyez . aq terharu . bersyukur sgt2 , maybe nie la hikmat kan ? ta dpt mrsm or sbp , tapi Allah kasi clazmates yg caring TT___TT . aq ta bleh na ckp kt deorng cnggini sbb kite0rg nie mmg gengg gilergiler . wt c0ol ngekngok je . ececece . nti ta psl2 dpt anugerah terbaekk drama . hahaha ngeng .

and now , aq nrvous , exam dha dekat . tapi aq lnsong ta ready . mmpu ke aq na score byk A nti ? why aq nie?  aq boleh! aq boleh ! aaaaaaaaaa ! TT____TT act my feelim still not in a good stable mood yet . aq na try asrama . na sgt2 . jeluz ngn deorng . tapi . tapi aq . aq try to accept sbb Allah lagi tawu pe yg trbek . kan ? =]  why berat sgt nie aq na kene hadap? ohh tuhan . help me . help me . aq jatohhh . aq maseh jatohhh . aq na gapai smtg tuk aq na naek balikk . tapi 'somethng' tu hape? aq ta nmpakkk . aq ta nampak lagi !! aq na bangon from sume nie! na  bangkitttttt balikkkk . tanak pndang kt bawah tu , na cari and gapai 'smtg' tu and na try bangonn ! angkat aq ! anggkat aq !! TT______TT

Thursday 9 February 2012

subhanallah =>

assalamualaikum !
guys! khamis lha plg aq suke ! sebab ? sebabbb . esop weekend o0yeah . heh . pispiss esop aq dha stat tusyen dha ! yeahh na stdy bebet0l . aftr blk skola tdi , my clzmates dtg woo . kite0rg ta lepak okeng! but kiteorg stdy . kih2 *bajett budak skema lha nie* tade tade , real hape , we did addmath . fun njoyy gilerr ! alhmdulillah . takat nie kite0rg still can catchup ag . tataw lha nnti cmne . huuu nauzubillah kayh . harap Allah prmudahkn segalenye . bio pon alhmdulillah . intrsting mrvellous! but one je , malas doe na hafalhafal nie . adehh ana , kate na jdi doc ? err tgok dlu . kih2 , fizik not s0 bad , aq suke sbjekk yg kire mgire nie . aggaga =) wut bout history? maaaakkkkkkkk !! dun say that ! cuakk + dislike . HAHAHAHA . err but try to like lha , alahaii apahal la kne ad sej ? ermmmm tayah explain tayah explain . ana tawu nape . -.- mcm lawak , parenz ckgu sej , tapi anak ? hahaha no coomenttttttt . insyaAllah la , aq try .

seyezly , omwerk become more increase woo . kdg2 , the ''evil ana'' said ::[ anaaa , tayah buatt ! pegi tdo pegi tdo ! ] grrrrrr yg nie la aq plg geram >,< na kne fight satuhal . perhh mcm pe je . adeh , life as stdnt mcm nie la kan ? evyone p0n cmfom je ase mende yg same . fightim fightim ! haha . exam ta smpai sebulan pon lagi . nervous giler + cuakk habes . er why pulak ? sebab . sebab . sebab . ___________ err ana ta ready 100prcent lagiiiiiiii . hahaha . oke , still smpat kot kalo na revise . insyaAllah .

Tuesday 7 February 2012

i miss her =(

assalamualaikum .
heyhey ~ dha tgok tittle tu ? yeaa . admit , swear aq rindu dy . sape tu ? nor masliza . mekjaaaaa , mekjaaaaa , rindu kamoo gilergiler . erm esp dha na balik mktab kan? nnti jgn lupe aq taw ? u know what mkjaa ? that day u called me , first tyme dlm idop mu brjaye kasi 'nasihat n smgt' kt aq . weirdo sbb slme aq knal mu , mu ta pndaii bab2 kaunseling nie . hehe . but that day , i'm touchin' enough . sumpah dear . and now , u're currently change . change i mean , become more mature . ( msti poyo nie sal pengakuan aq) tape2 . haha . seyezly , i miss u damnmucho ~ yaAllah thnx giving her to me . korang jgn amek dy ! she's my BFF ! haha tade lh smpai cnggitu skli , tapi . aq . jeluz . kot . kalo korng amek ! heee .

a bit of shocked + speechless when u said '' ana , aq taw mum dha byk tnggong n face the pain snsorng slme nie , mu just tnjuk kebahagiaan mum je , sedeh mum smpan sndrik , now aq tanak sume tu , aq na dsmping mum '' allahh . kalo org blg kasot kt muke aq pon mmg aq takkan blahh from kusi yg aq duduk tyme tu . no words that can i say . aq genggam phn rumah kuat giler . time tu just the tears yg kuar . ohh again , haha . na bwat mcm mne dha 'dy' na leleh jugakk . tpi seyez , aq ta mmpu tahan . yeaa tht's rite ja . act aq ta ksh la kalo aq kne face alone pon , asal kawan2 aq bhgia , insyaAllah aq snyom skli ngn korang =)

and iloveudamnmuch . u give me a lot of spiritt to face evythng in this world . alhmdulillah . alhamdulillah .
mcm dlu , aq ta dpt tawaran pon , mu yg byk support . terharu ta trkate lha . betol . ta tipu =] kalo na cer , mmg byk sgtt . haha . just one thing , never forget you . jom! kite fly same2 ! fly tinggi2 ! nnti dpt g oversea same2 kan ? yeahh insyaAllah .

Monday 6 February 2012

let me .

life ? haha dha malas na ckp . na luah . tapi kt sape lagi na gtaw ? yeah ana tawu , Allah swt . org kate aq hipokrit ? yaAllah , takot giler dgr that word . sumpah . mcm pe je , tapi tape , aq pndai cover muke . cehh ha.ha . jgn lha ckp 'word' tu . besar di sisi Allah . neraka tmpatnye . ana takot . TT__TT it's actually , i am who i am lha . bwat pe na jadik org laen? yea , hamba Allah said 'ana, ur bhviour so rough lha ' so ? oke enough . enough lha . penat lha . kacaw  ~ yeah one more , second intake tu ko jebek je kan mulot tdi ? i know myself , ta sehebat korang .  btw, i'm tired . H.I.P.O.K.R.I.T . takot lha TT________TT ana takot . ALLAH , smpai bile sume nie na berakhir ? sumpah pennattt . ta tahan la na cover muke . cover malu . aq ta mcm gurls yg laen , ta sehebat farah n clzmates laen , ta selembot anis , ta cun cm yasmin n yg laen , tak tak! aq laen . tapi . aq pon pompuan jgk . grrrrr sume org takkan phm . kaklongggggg TT_____TT ana penatt . Allah , why Allah pilih ana na go through sume nie? till when ? kalo esop ana bngon pagi , blh ta Allah change je ana jadik besaa je tros ? tak pon , nnti kalo ana bngon pagi , Allah letak ana kt syurga tros ? boleh tak?  astaghfirullah . ampon yaAllah ampon yaAllah . aq tanak jdi hipokrit . hati tu Allah yg pegang . org ta blh na nilai suke suke hati je . oke enough la , asal dy bahagia , insyaAllah aq tumpang skli . even kebahagian dy tu menghancorkan hati aq . Allaaahhumassolia'laa muhammaddd TT__TT waalimuhammad, guide me YaAllah to be strong like RASULULLAH . let's stat a new life wif a new smile . insyaAllah i can . heyy new one ANA . papai the old one ana . make , dgn ini mengumumkan . jengg jengg jenggg !   


page one : a new one ANA being an upper form gurl . she had go through all the pain alone almost two years , now . she have been a new one . her ownself . she love starss . the stars can make her peace =] and she learn to be a mature gurl . do grow up wif her in her new life . insyaAllah .  
assalamualaikum =]

Sunday 5 February 2012

salam maulidul Rasul =]

yaNabi salam alaikaa . alluakbar . salam maulidul Rasul guys . i'm proud to be an Islam ! nikmat yg plg agong =) Nabi Muhammad b Abdullah . our strong hero . He's a strong guy . He never payback tuk org2 yg nyakiti hati nabi secara fizikal or mntal , subhanallah . Nabi amat kuat in having all the test from Allah taala . can we be like Him ? me ? idono . my faith's weak . not as Him . i wish i could be . insyaAllah . He's so perfect =] boleh ke kalo ana jadi sekuat Nabi ? Ana nak face ujian Allah yg leceh nie pon mcm hape je . my tears mmg kuar jugak when sitting alone , kire muhasabah diri la , cehh . nabi mmg terhebattt ! sanah helwahh yaa Rasulullah SAW =] i hope i can be strong like You to face evytng in this world . insyaAllah even I know i can't and impossible to be a perfect gurl like Rasulullah SAW .

swear , when looking up kalimah 'MUHAMMAD' . hati ttbe tenang . mcm de ice je kt dlm hati . my mouth suddently smiling till ears . mybe nie la org kate , sbnyk mane pon challnging in world nie , bile tgok je kalimah 'ALLAH' , 'RASULULLAH' , 'KAABAH' , comfom tenangg . subhanallah . sbb tu kite kene dkt diri ngn deorng . bile kite ingt deorng , msti deorng ingt kite jugak . kan ? haha yupp . just one thing , Allah never leave us even we did a lot of sinss . insyaAllah ;)

# i learned . i smile . =]
salam maulidul Rasul .
kekasih ALLAH SWT =]

Friday 3 February 2012

challenging ~

weekenddd oyeahh + cuti ahad nie . weheehe sukenye! grr suke ta suke lha , omwerkk bpk thp giga dowh ! alahai . smthg yg mmg aq ta suke . tapi terpkse la bwat  suke . future woo . peacee y0k! cun ta pictha kt ats uh ? wikiwiki sengal . yeahh strong . word tu mcm dha xley blaa from life aq korang taw? haha . it give da spirit la to face evytng surrounding me . tdi dpt tawu yg hafiz n ira dpt mjsc langkawi . pkp woo . cngrate cngrate ! syitah dpt mjsc pc . raja dpt taiping eh kalo ta silap . mmbers laen pon same je . kbykn mmbers aq dak2 mjsc , sbp ta ramai sgt . cehh tapi aq dak harian bese je . watlekk . mende tu ta melemahkan aq la . raising up my spirit adela . umi abah , kaklong , ani , mekja a.ka. masliza . yg byk kasi aq smgt . alhmdulillah =] eh eh , aq na ckp pe pdhl nie ? ngee , actually , byk je keje na kene settle . like the assighments , blmbak ag yg ta settle weh , haha gigit jari lha nti . mmg kne ushe hbz , nafsu tu nomber one lha , kene tahan . tapi iman aq ta kuat sgt na tahan nafsu . beb , my nafsu mean = na kne tahan diri from sleeping lebeh2 , njoy gile , read the novels , hangout , but alhmdulillah . skg watchin' tv aq dha blh cover . hourayy ! ^,^ smetimes, i nvr touch the tv in a week ! blieve it or not , lntak korang . wehee . nak jage pagi2 buta cm PMR cndidate dulu tu yg ssh cket skg . hadooii . fightim fightim . kalo mmbers laen blh je , xkan lha ana ta leh gak kan ? 10A's SPM insyaALLAH . aq nak! aq nakk! so stat it from now ! umi abah said '' adek ana , angah . u guys must study smart okeii , dun stress , stdy bia njoyy '' err baekk umi abah ! untong dpt parenz cm deorng . heh =) . cabaran la , na kene ingt formula physics tu, cm lemah . bio lagi la , na kene bace + understndg + memahami . makk aii , Allah tolong aq . sbb aq ta kuat ushe cm mmbers laen . i'll try insyaAllah . haha . looks like , mcm dha ta blh na n9 puaspuas lha . scrified seyhh . i need Allah <3 more than words that can i say :-) subhanallah , walhamdulillah , allahuakbar ^__^

Wednesday 1 February 2012

wut so tired ~

life aq yg sbnar dha bermule  =]


life as upper form pure scs stdnt . sighhh penat yg trmat tuhan je yg tawu . fb pon ta smpat na on . kalo on pon , jap2 je . ya Allaaah . sungg0hlaa , ta tipu ta tipu . memang penat . assighments blmbak giler yg postp0ne . sorry tchers , i dun mean to postpone all that . but i'm tired . dun hve enough tyme to do that in a day! i need the tyme . TT__TT penat . penat . penat . ta ckp tdo . c'mon ana , bkn ana je . clzmates len pon same . err keje aq rungut je , wehh aq ta rungut! aq juz luah . cehh luahkan pe yg trpndam .try to smile insyaAllah . kuat . kuat . saba ana . two years only . SPM.  yeah . gtg , magrib . papaiii ^^